The Idaho Trial Lawyers Association Journal publishes on Colossus Text

Idaho Trial Lawyer's Association - Colossus Aaron DeShaw

Idaho Trial Lawyers Association helps Plaintiff Lawyers Succeed with Trial Guides

This month, the Idaho Trial Lawyers Association Journal published an excerpt of Aaron DeShaw's book Colossus: What Every Trial Lawyer Needs to Know.

The article is based on our book Colossus: What Every Trial Lawyer Needs to Know, by Dr. Aaron DeShaw, Esq., the definitive text on settling automobile claims with insurers using bodily injury claims software for the evaluation of claims.  The book is supplemented by the Colossus: Legal Forms CD.

DeShaw also has a video for lawyers on writing demand letters optimized for auto insurers' bodily injury claims evaluation software.  DeShaw's demand letter method walks lawyers through the necessary collection of claim data and organizes it in the order requested by the insurers, to help lawyers obtain maximum settlement offers from auto insurers.